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HAIL Message received my friend :) yes i write English 1 - i like it..... 2 - my English is better than my Persian.... 3 - i can't feel it... Persian won't work for me . AND really that guy IS NOT HERE ! it was a story... a friend Who was a traitor.... and thats truth He lies to everyone , he get close to them , find them weakness and hunt them down for his selfish reasons . He wants to achieve no matter what the cost. I'm not the first Victim and I'm not the last one - i can see him making plan for others using people.... AND AGAIN HE IS NOT HERE , he is a idiot HE LIED ! HE WANTED TO USE ME AND HE DID , I SEE HIS Lying face every day in most of the times i was there i was witness , He even included me in some of the PROBLEMS , HE lies like a machine fast infinite BUT heheheehe ah god REALLY BULLSHIT - HE SAYS A LOT OF BULLSHITS and others believing them.... one time he lied about a travel to kish and guess what i was there my friends are still thinking his going to KISH to live there AAAH GOD , IN THIS SUMMER hahahah- But Think About This What a Bastard , Who Do This To His Friends ! well actually you Don't know anything about him , HE IS THE WOLF IN THE SHEEP SKIN and sorry for my bad behavior earlier i was angry ... wish you luck my friend , watch you back walk in the shadows with respect to all Gamers ,Dracul.1900 DTS OUT. (UNTIL DREAMS COME TRUE MY BROTHERS) :pc:
interesting , but his not here and he even don't know this website - and for GOD SAKES YOU ARE GAMERS PLEASE IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH and you mister NOBLE GENIUS you are talking about destruction what you can't see is the point ,Destruction is his nature AND ITS A GAME WEBSITE IF WE CAN"T TALK EN HERE SO WHERE ELSE WE CAN ! and in this website there is just one person who knows what i'm saying (my best friend) and only one who knows him.... I Just commented on a post and for the writer not for you people to judge me !!! perhaps you people need to grow up a little , anyway i were expected something else . Dracul.1900 DTS OUT. (UNTIL DREAMS COME TRUE MY BROTHERS) :pc:
HAIL hail to you the Protectors of DBAZI I can see some people , who are infected in this madness I CAN SEE.... True story , one of them Ruined my life , but at least i learned.... I learned something and His Dead to me.... What a shame..... He seduced me , he act like one of us i though he was one of us a Gamer a Computer man i trusted him, who even can’t install a windows WHO CAN’T EVEN PUT A PASSWORD FOR HIS OWN COMPUTER , i gave him everything.... SHAME TO ME i trusted him with my Games , the games he destroyed , the games he took from me , the Honor... Things i gave to him he destroyed , Damaged and His steals , His lies..... There is no place in world for these creatures.... I failed my self.... And he failed me. But something Great happened ,one of his friends who , he tried to seduce for a Game “WATCH DOGS” and ignore the friendship between them , Now Is My Best Friend . Yes , i achieved something Valuable - but indeed None Can bring back to life what Does Destruction’s did to us . I can see His shadow of Seduction all over my friends , who is close to Him , i Hope they don’t fall for something isn’t even exists. God give us power to fight against madness. Dracul.1900 “DTS” OUT (UNTIL DREAMS COME TRUE MY BROTHERS) :pc:
salam bacheha kasi server iran baraye game UNTURNED soragh dare ?! :!:
ye soal !? man alan bekham update THE SIMS 4 ro down konam mitonam faghat Version ro down konam ya bayad version ghabli ram begiram !?!?!?! :!: