اچیومنت های Payday 2 منتشر شد

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در ۱۳۹۲/۰۵/۱۴ , 19:43:17
Overkill Software, Payday 2

Overkill Software لیست اچیومنت های نسخه ی دوم بازی Payday را از طریق وب سایت X360A منتشر کرد.مثل همیشه آگاه باشید که این لیست می تواند محتوای داستانی بازی را اسپویل کرده و به داستان بازی لطمه وارد نماید.لیست شامل ۴۳ اچیومنت است.

Overkill Software, Payday 2

این عنوان در تاریخ ۲۷ آگوست سال جاری میلادی برای سه پلتفرم اصلی منتشر خواهد شد.

Coming in Hot – 10G
On day 1 of the Watchdogs job, don’t let the cops shoot and destroy the escape vehicle.

Fish A.I. – 10G
On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, throw a loot bag into the sea, hoping fish move away as it gets near.

Guessing Game – 40G
On day 2 of the Firestarter job, complete the heist in stealth without hacking the computer.

The First Line – 30G
On day 3 of the Firestarter job, find the rare hockey poster of the OVERKILL hockey team.

F in Chemistry – 10G
On day 1 of the Rat job, blow up the lab.

Caribbean Pirate – 30G
On day 2 of the Rat job, bring additional meth bags to the trade, but steal your payment instead.

Short Fuse – 20G
On day 3 of the Rat job, get away with 7 bags without defusing any bombs.

Painting Yourself Into a Corner – 40G
On day 1 of the Framing Frame job, steal all sold paintings without being seen.

Big Deal – 20G
On day 2 of the Framing Frame job, trade 9 paintings.

I Wasn’t Even There! – 40G
On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, send the gold by zip-line without ever tripping the alarm.

Smooth Criminal – 20G
Reach reputation level 25.

Career Criminal – 20G
Reach reputation level 75.

I got it, I got It! – 30G
Catch a bag mid-air.

I Knew What I Did Was Wrong – 10G
On day 1 of the Big Oil job, enter the basement, open the ATM machines and take the loot.

Doctor Fantastic – 30G
On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the first engine being correct.

Diamonds are Forever – 20G
In the Jewelry store job, steal and secure 4 bags without the escape car leaving the first time.

Let’s do Th… – 30G
In the Ukranian job, complete the heist within 35 seconds.

Yeah he’s a Gold Digger – 20G
In the Four Stores job, find a gold bar in a safe.

I’m Going All-in! – 10G
In the Nightclub job, put a bag filled with money on the poker table.

Shoot the Glass! – 10G
In the Mallcrasher job, destroy all windows in the mall.

Lord of War – 30G
On day 1 of the Firestarter job, steal all the weapons from the hangar.

King of the Hill – 30G
In the Park escape, ensure that no law enforcement enters the park before the escape van arrives.

You Shall not Pass! – 30G
In the Overpass escape, don’t let the cops set foot on the bridge before you can escape.

Cappuccino to go, Please – 20G
In the Cafe escape, secure all loot and escape within 30 seconds of the escape van arriving.

Bullet Dodger – 40G
In the Street escape, complete the escape without killing any enemy snipers.

They see me Baggin’, They Hatin’ – 20G
On the Garage escape, get away with 8 bags.

Tip the Scales – 10G
In the safe house, find the hidden basement.

I’m a Healer-Tank-Damage-Dealer – 20G
Spend 10 skill points in each skill tree.

Man of Iron – 40G
Equip the Improved Combined Tactical Vest.

Going Places – 50G
Gain $1.000.000 in total spendable cash.

No Turning Back – 10G
Complete your first job.

Spend Money to Make Money – 50G
Spend $1.000.000 in total cash.

You Gotta Start Somewhere – 10G
Reach reputation level 5.

Guilty of Crime – 20G
Reach reputation level 10.

Armed and Dangerous – 40G
Reach reputation level 50.

Most Wanted – 50G
Reach reputation level 100.

Fully Loaded – 10G
Own 9 weapons.

Weapon Collector – 20G
Own 18 weapons.

No one Cared who I Was… – 10G
Until I put on the mask.

Masked Villain – 10G
Modify a mask for the first time.

Armed to the Teeth – 10G
Modify a weapon for the first time.

Would you Like Your Receipt? – 10G
Buy a weapon for the first time.

How do you Like me Now? – 10G
Equip an armor for the first time.

15 دیدگاه ثبت شده است

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

    1. این سر تیتر منو عجیب یاد یکی از استادام انداخت :D
      کلا به نظرم یه چیز بزن بکوب دارن درس می کنن که توش داستان کاملا بی سروته اسپویل توش تاثیری نداره


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