اچیومنت های نسخه Xbox One عنوان Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel منتشر شد

در ۱۳۹۳/۰۶/۱۹ , 13:02:26
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اسپویلر: اچیومنت های نسخه Xbox One عنوان Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel لحظاتی پیش منتشر شد که در ادامه می توانید مشاهده کنید.

در این لیست ۳۰ اچیومنت مشخص و ۲۰ اچیومنت نسبتاً مخفی وجود دارد. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel در ۱۴ و ۱۷ اکتبر به ترتیب در آمریکا و اروپا منتشر خواهد شد.

Side Quest Student ۱۵
Completed 30 side missions.
Moon Mission Meister ۲۵
Completed all of the side missions.
Grind ‘n’ Bear It ۱۵
Use the grinder to create an item.
The Bigger They Are ۵۰
Defeated the Invincible Empyrean Sentinel. (۶)
Mouth to Mouth ۱۵
Revived 10 players with oxygen. (۲)
Air Supremacy ۲۵
Killed 100 enemies with Wolf.
No, I’m Athena! ۲۵
Killed 100 enemies with Aspis.
That Helped, Right? ۲۵
Experienced all Vault Hunter Modes using Vault Hunter.EXE.
Executioner ۲۵
Killed 10 enemies in a single activation of Showdown.
That Tasted Purple! ۲۰
Had Purple-rated gear or better equipped in every slot.
Challenger ۲۰
Completed level 1 of all challenges with a single character. (۳)
Space Rookie ۵
Reached level 5.
Lunar Lieutenant ۱۰
Reached level 10.
Moon Master ۱۵
Reached level 25.
Space Lord ۲۵
Reached level 50. (۱)
Moxxi’s Sampler ۱۰
Tried all the Moxxtails in the Up Over bar in Concordia.
Lunar Looter ۲۰
Looted 10 Moonstone Chests.
I Come From The Land Up Over ۲۰
Discovered all names locations in Serenity’s Waste, Triton Flats and Stanton’s Liver.
Beam Me Up ۲۰
Discover all names locations aboard the Helios Space Station.
Eeridian Explorer ۲۰
Discovered all named locations in Outlands Canyon, Outlands Spur and Vorago Solitude.
Cosmic Completionist ۳۰
Discovered all named locations.
High Fashion ۱۵
Unlocked 10 Customization items.
The Duelist ۱۰
Won a duel.
Collateral Damage ۲۰
Had a Lost Legion Eternal kill 3 of his friends.
۳۶۰ No Scope ۲۰
While airborne, spin 360 degrees then got a kill with a Sniper Rifle without using the scope. (۱۰)
Expensive Taste ۳۰
Used the Grinder to create a Legendary item.
Ice To Meet You ۲۰
Shattered three frozen enemies with a single slam attack. (۱)
Elementalist ۲۰
Had an enemy frozen, corroded, ignited, and electrocuted at the same time.
Pancake Parlor ۲۰
Pancaked an enemy in the Stingray.
Who Needs Air? ۲۰
Suffocated for five continuous minutes without dying.
Secret Achievements
Secret Achievement ۱۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۱۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۱۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۱۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۵۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۱۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۱۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۱۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۱۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۱۵
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement ۲۰
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

7 دیدگاه ثبت شده است

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

  1. Defeated the Invincible Empyrean Sentinel
    متنفرم از این Invincible ها کلا در حالت تیمی هم فقط باید کلکشون کند
    تکنفره حتی فکر نزدیک شدن به چک پوینت محدوده اینها رو هم نباید داشت
    But i’m terramurphues killer
    البتهInvincible ها بشدت متفاوت تر هستند

    1. باید خلوص نیت داشت :۲۴:
      بازی قشنگیه ولی تو انتخاب شخصیت و کلاسش باید دقت کنی و ببینی کدومشون با مهارتهای خودت سازگارترن!
      انتخاب صحیح سلاح و مهمات هم به لذت بازی اضافه میکنه!
      به نظر من بازی دستینی که اون همه براش هایپ شده خیلی شبیه این بازیه :۲۳:


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