خانه » مصاحبه ——————-Interview with Mr. Ernest Adams × توسط آرش حکیمی در ۱۳۹۰/۱۰/۱۹ , 15:58:09 48 Advices of a Mastermind ارنست آدامز This interview was done in Nov 8, 2011 by Donyaye Bazi (The first Iranian Video Game magazine). And it includes game designing and developing contents As Mr. Bertrand Russell says:’ Very few philosophers have influenced philosophy as much as Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, or Napoleon.‘ Do you think there are some people in the history of video game that has influenced video game very much and are not inside the society of video game? If so, who are them?1 It depends whether you count computer pioneers or not. If you don’t count pioneers, then the person who has influenced video games the most has been J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings. He defined the fantasy genre for us. Other authors might include H.P. Lovecraft and Tom Clancy. Another important influence has been the film noire directors – Fritz Lang and Michael Curtiz, among others. But Tolkien’s influence has been the most far-ranging.۱ Among computer pioneers, Vannevar Bush, who invented hypertext, is certainly important, along with the inventors of the microprocessor and the graphics accelerator chips – unfortunately nobody really knows their names.1 As in Iran the videogame industry is in its infancy, are there any essential elements for a society to have to make the existence of video game industry possible? If there are, could you name some of them?2 The single most important elements are surplus cash and surplus time. Video games are an optional leisure-time activity. People must have enough extra money to devote to spending it on amusing themselves. They must also have an attitude that it is OK to do this. Many societies are strongly opposed to letting young people enjoy themselves; they expect them to spend on their free time on schoolwork. These societies only adopt video games slowly. The adults did not grow up with them, so they are not interested, and the young people are not allowed to have them.2 Recently Battle Field 3 has pointed Iranians as terrorists and it has made an aggressive atmosphere against EA and Dice in Iran. Do you think we should take it so serious or not?3 These things are unfortunate and irritating when you are the target of them, but in the long run, they don’t really matter. These games will be irrelevant and forgotten in a couple of years. They have no real cultural force. So, although I understand the Iranians’ feelings, they should not worry about it too much. The opinion of the Western press is much more important than the ideas in fictional video games.3 What is the best educational method for learning game designing? Self study? Attending in academic classes?4 Classes are useful for a qualification, but the single most important method is to work with your friends in a small group to design, build, and above all play games. That way you test your own designs and learn what works and what does not work. It is also useful to work in a group.4 Which online university’s method in game designing do you suggest?5 I don’t know. I haven’t studied online universities and their methods. I created a course for the Art Institutes Online, but I don’t know if they still offer it. I think it was good.5 In countries like Iran, which there is no copyright law, what is the best profitable way to produce and sell videogames?6 I’m not sure. One approach is to release the game for free and ask people to give you whatever they can – search for “humble indie bundle” to learn about a successful example. Another approach is to release a free demo version but sell the more complete version. You still run the risk of piracy, but you will at least make some money that way.6 What is the main feature of a good game designer? Who is the best game designer of our time, at in your opinion and why?7 A good game designer is interested in everything – a person who enjoys all kinds of things. They also must be logical thinkers, and they must be able to write clearly and unambiguously, to translate their vision to the rest of the team.7 In Iran there is foundation called ‘Iran national foundation of computer games’, which supports game developers. At your point of view, does using governmental budget help game developers who are in their infancy and can’t handle their charges?8 Yes, absolutely. Take advantage of any government support that you can. Even if your project doesn’t succeed in the market, you will gain valuable experience.8 As game developing industry is in its infancy in Iran, where do you think our game developers should go? To the small projects or big projects?9 Absolutely to the small projects. They are easy to make and easy to distribute, and you are much more likely to sell them. I believe nations like Iran will have their first successes with mobile phone games, because many people own mobile phones. Far more people use phones than PCs or game consoles.10 Have you ever seen any Iranian games? Like Garshasp or Kuhnavard. If so what do you think about them?11 I’m afraid I have not.11 Do you have any suggestion to pass through sanctions against Iran? These sanctions have caused problems for game developers including not to be able to distribute their products in the international markets.12 I’m sorry, this is beyond my competence. There are a lot of free tools that you can download to help you make games (Blender, etc.), but your best chance is to start making games for your own domestic market. I don’t know exactly what the sanctions require, but I think it would be very difficult to get western money into Iran at the moment – all the electronic transfer systems are monitored. I suppose it is possible that Islamic banking systems that have business with Muslims in the West may be able to do it.12 I recommend that you make Iranian games for the Iranian people to begin with, and hope that the sanctions are lifted in time.12 Questions asked by Arash Hakimi and Matin Izadi Tips N4G نویسنده آرش حکیمی There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. 48 دیدگاه ثبت شده است دیدگاهتان را بنویسید لغو پاسخبرای نوشتن دیدگاه باید وارد بشوید. If writing in English catches on in here we will be one more step closer to become INTERNATIONAL!!!!how’s that sound! :-D ۰۰ برای پاسخ، وارد شوید حالا چرا همه تون کامنت انگلیسی می دین؟! عجب ملت جوگیری هستیم ما ایرانی ها! ۰۰ برای پاسخ، وارد شوید خداییش راست گفتیا ۸) ۰۰ Common Man….Take It Easy…Control Yourselfe ۰۰ IN ENG PLEASE! :twisted: ۰۰ Saeed . Plz have a more international interview and news. Its intersting and can help to improove our english power and knowledge dont you think?? Answer me __________________________ CoD Team ۰۰ برای پاسخ، وارد شوید yeah … we’ll do for sure ۰۰ I Hope This: Interview With Mr Kojima WoW 8-O ۰۰ نمایش بیشتر
If writing in English catches on in here we will be one more step closer to become INTERNATIONAL!!!!how’s that sound! :-D ۰۰ برای پاسخ، وارد شوید
Saeed . Plz have a more international interview and news. Its intersting and can help to improove our english power and knowledge dont you think?? Answer me __________________________ CoD Team ۰۰ برای پاسخ، وارد شوید